Hi, I am Rubina

As a freelance Insights & Innovation specialist I connect the dots between business goals and user needs. Because who doesn't love a win-win solution?

I am here to bring human stories to life and transform them into impactful business opportunities

I am here to help you…

  • I’m here to help you find the optimal positioning for your product.

    Gain a deep understanding of what drives the behaviour and needs of your target group. Get concrete advice on how to make your product or service truly resonate and stand out.

  • I’m here to help you map the current and desired user experience for your product or service.

    Get a visual representation of what moments matter to your customers and how to effectively increase engagement and satisfaction.

  • I’m here to help you develop relevant products and services for years to come.

    Get a detailed understanding of emerging trends and how they are shaping the needs of consumers. Get concrete advice on how to translate these trends to your your specific portfolio in a meaningful way.


Qualitative Research

1-1 Interviews | Focus Groups | Online Communities | Observations | Online and F2F

Service Design

Journey Mapping (Consumer/Employee/ Patient) | Blueprinting | Experience Mapping


Business Model Innovation | Value Propositions | Concept Development | Trends & Semiotics | Workshop moderation

Previously worked with and for

Awards & Highlights

MOA Award (2021) - Young Talent - Expertise Center Marketing Insights, Research & Analytics


BBC and ESU Digital Voice Award (2012)


Co-host podcast 'Why Do(n't) the Dutch invest?' (2022)


MOA Award (2021) - Young Talent - Expertise Center Marketing Insights, Research & Analytics 💡 BBC and ESU Digital Voice Award (2012) 💡 Co-host podcast 'Why Do(n't) the Dutch invest?' (2022) 💡